Nekibzade Advocates

Divorce & Family Law


Divorce can be one of the most difficult periods of a person’s life. Among other things children and distribution of assets are of great importance and should be handled very carefully.

Our clients’ legal rights and interests are our utmost priority in our approach to divorce proceedings, as in all other cases. 

We aim to obtain the best possible outcome for our client as early as possible, having in mind that each passing day without a solution causes extra burden and stress to our client.

Divorcing in a Foreign Country

If you were married in North Cyprus, divorcing in another country may not be automatically recognised in North Cyprus.

If you got divorced in another country, except for North Cyprus or Turkey, you may need to also divorce in North Cyprus in order to be legally divorced in North Cyprus.

If you got divorced in Turkey, in order for this to be valid in North Cyprus, divorce may have to be registered and recognised in North Cyprus by court application.

If you are still technically married in North Cyprus, your husband or wife may have rights in your properties after you bought after marriage or may have rights towards your inheritance.

Multiple Countries

Couples who are considering divorce, may live in more than one country or may be thinking to move abroad or have recently moved to a different country for different reasons.

Divorce proceedings can be started in both North Cyprus and in a foreign country. We can help you in conjunction with the other country’s lawyer to provide you the best results possible.

Restraining Order

Regardless of whether you are married, not married or divorced, if your partner or previous partner is assaulting, striking, beating, harassing or threatening you or causing you unlawful psychological distress or pressure, as well as your right to complain to the police, you can apply to the court for a restraining order or a non-molestation order, whereby the court can give various orders against your spouse or partner to protect you.

Permission to Receive Birth Certificate

If you are a foreign national and gotten married in North Cyprus, it is likely that you have submitted your birth certificate to the marriage officer. 

If you could not receive your birth certificate back, we can assist you to apply the court for permission to get it back.

Permission to Get Married Urgently

If you want to get married in North Cyprus, you will need a document to state that you are single, divorced or widowed. 

If you are a foreign national, you may need this document from your country of origin, which may sometimes difficult be to obtain. 

We can assist you to apply the court for an exemption to provide this document.

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